A virtual conference with some of our top healing-centered professionals teaching their favorite nervous system regulation practices.
A virtual conference with some of our top internationally renowned healing-centered professionals teaching their favorite nervous system regulation practices and insights on systems wide endeavors to promote resilience among communities world wide through challenging times.
Together we can lean into our innate grief, resilience and compassion, so we may take better care of ourselves and our world.
The Process:
1. Once you purhcase your ticket, you will be on our list of attendees.
2. Beginning August 1st, each week attendees will receive an email full of links and learning guides of our pre-recorded presentations from our speakers and their offerings. You can access presentations at your own time and pace after receiving the link! You have lifetime access to the recordings.
The Agenda:
Week 1: August 1st -6th
Theme: Nourish
Kirsten Wilkinson: Exploring Fascia and Memory
Jenna Little: Nourished Healers (Trauma Informed Nutrition)
Karla Helbert: Yoga Nidra
Week 2: August 8th-14th
Theme: Energize
Addie DeHilster: Walking Meditation
Andy Prescott: Rest for Neurodiverse Bodies
Jess of Grounded Teaching: Connecting with the Soil to Soothe the Nervous System
Week 3: August 15th-21st
Theme: Emotional Wellbeing
Jenni Stevens: Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra
Karla Helbert: Support Neurodiverse People In Grief
Julie Johnson: Reiki for Trauma Care
Week 4: August 22-27th
Theme: Self-Compassion
Selina Armstrong: Compassionate Parenting
Victoria Emanuela: Grief, Nature and the Inner Child
Anu French, MD: Sacred Science of Sound and Mantra
Week 5: August 29th-September 4th
Theme: Reconnect
Sarit Rogers: Covid and Our Nervous System
Robin Mandell: Disability Inclusive Marketing and Class Preparation for
Yoga Teachers
Chiara of Enabling City:
Integrative Resilience for the
Environment and Society